Get Involved in Voter Outreach & Engagement
Learn about opportunities to support our grassroots campaign. Here are our current events! View more by clicking the “sign up” button.
Thursday Canvass with Team Hood. Every Thursday at 4:30pm. Sign up here!
Saturday Canvass with Team Hood. Every Saturday at 11am. Sign up here!
GOTV Canvasses. November 5-8. Sign up here!
Sign up to send Postcards to friends or with provided lists!
Door Knocking - Voter contact is critical to successful campaigns and the majority of that occurs going door to door. Special precautions are in place to minimize contact and slow the spread of COVID-19.
Phone Calls - We will provide you a phone, list, and script - you just need to make the calls. Calls may be made for a variety of purposes:
Connect with Voters - We have identified “super voters” in the district. Help us connect with them by making phone calls, outlining our campaign, discussing Rachel’s issues, and scheduling follow ups.
Turnout - Reminding guests of a fundraiser, driving turnout to an event, or other calls leading up to important dates.
Fundraising - Connect with identified voters with the goal of obtaining small ($10 - $50) campaign donations.
Event & Office Projects - Printing, folding letters, stuffing mailers… a variety of small projects that can be delivered to your door.
Lend Your Voice by Endorsing Rachel - Add your name on our website, social media, letters, literature, and wherever else it may be useful.
Social Champion - As a part of our rapid response team, we will share with you first when we have an important message we need to reach the masses. If you’re always looking for crucial posts to share, this is for you.
Get a Yard Sign - Displaying a yard sign at your home is one of the best ways to get the word out about our campaign.
Make a Contribution - Running a campaign can be costly. Support our efforts to reach voters whether it be mailers, advertising and making sure our volunteers are fed and hydrated. Click here to donate today!